Saturday, January 22, 2011

Consultation at Cedars

Dear friends,

We returned yesterday evening from L.A. exhausted and emotionally spent. We left at 6 a.m. for our 9:30 appointment with the oncologist who is an expert on sarcomas. He was a nice, matter-of-fact doctor who took his time with us. He went through the CT scan images with us and we looked at the lungs together. There are two masses in the right lung, one 6 cm and the other 3 cm or so and there may be some other spots as well. Forscher thinks it is likely to be the sarcoma. However, neither of those areas in the lungs are the cause for the pain that I have going down my right arm and in my right shoulder blade. So, we looked at the CT scan of the neck and that is where he grew concerned because there is a mass adjacent to my spine, at the bottom of the cervical spine and that is what is pressing into the nerves that go down my arm. When he saw that, he decided that I should go to see a spine surgeon immediately -- he asked if there were any in San Diego that we wanted to consult, but we replied that we didn't have anyone, so he has set us up with an appointment on Monday with a spine surgeon at Cedars Sinai, Patrick Johnson. He feels that the spine is higher priority because of the nearness of the mass, whatever it is, to the spinal column. When I asked him about whether they would first biopsy it, he replied that if they wanted to determine what it was, it would make more sense to biopsy from the lungs because there is more "room" there, but this close to the spine, it doesn't make sense to biopsy. It sounded plausible when he said it but I'm not sure that I fully understand. Couldn't the lung mass and the spine mass be different things? What if it is not a sarcoma? He said that he thinks it is most likely that they are the same thing and probably a sarcoma, but at any rate, I should see the spine surgeon to get his opinion. If the surgeon says that the mass on the back is not an immediate concern, then we will talk again about the next step, which might be a biopsy of the mass in the lungs.

But how likely is that? How likely is it that a surgeon will say that he doesn't need to cut? The thought of this meeting on Monday scares me. I am already in considerable pain -- if we do nothing, will the pain increase? Will the mass invade my spinal column? Hazy recollections of biology remind me that the spine is THE crucial fixture of the body. If they do surgery, would that damage my spine? Could I end up paralyzed? If they were to remove the mass, might they damage the nerves and then this pain that wracks my arm might become a permanent feature of my life?

Fear has me in a vise like grip. As untenable as the current situation is, I want to hold on to it because the future might be much worse. Your e-mails and comments buoyed me so much yesterday as I waited for the appointment. Today, I read them and wonder if they are for some other Radhika -- I can't find a scrap of the courage that you credit me with. If this were a battle with a real adversary, I would just lay down my arms and give up because the thought of fighting feels so exhausting at this point. Why does it take so much courage to just live? And where has mine gone .........?

I remember waking up after my first surgery, with my face swollen, my mouth was wired shut, my leg bandaged, a hole in my chest to help me breathe and my body hooked to an IV and a feeding tube. I had had so much fear going into that surgery, but I was also so naive -- I had no idea what I was going to wake up to. No description that the doctors gave could ever have conveyed to me what it was that my body would experience.... I remember this same feeling of helplessness then. But somehow, through the haze of morphine and pain, I remember something inside me took over. Firmly but kindly ignoring my self pity and tears, something made me get up and insist on walking. This part of me was determined that I should live and heal and to it, the doctors' words and my own fears were completely irrelevant.
I had no idea I had such courage or strength but now I know from that experience, that there is inside me something that will support me when I hit that lowest point.

So, I am hopeful that I will get over this fear. I am hopeful that my courage will return. In the meantime, I will let myself be strengthened by those that love me. I am so grateful to André, for his love and kindness. He drove me to L.A., held my hand as we talked to the doctor, and comforted me as I sobbed. I know that he will stand by me through all of this, and that is a comforting thought. And I am so fortunate to have wonderful friends -- all of you who wrote and told me that you care, that you will hold me in your thoughts and send me your prayers. I deeply appreciate that. My mind seems to love to throw pity parties and drag me to a place where I feel that I am alone and isolated --- I read your e-mails then and reassure myself that I am not. So, thank you for your words and support. They mean a great deal to me.

This weekend, I intend to just BE. While André focuses on getting ready for his classes, I will try to stay in the present moment and not let my mind paint horror pictures of the future nor drag me back to the past. Mira will help me with that -- a six year old has such a keen appreciation of the present.

Monday will come soon enough and I hope that my courage will return by then.


  1. Dearest Radhika, I can only imagine how afraid you must be. Fear is a natural reaction for sure, try to lean on your friends and meditate or do some other activity that calms you. What can we do to help you? Are you doing ok with meals? Can we help Andre? If you have any kind of assignments for me, I would love to help out. My best to you and your family, Janet

  2. Dear dear Radhika,
    I've been checking your blog every couple of hours, hoping you'd honor us with a report from yesterday. Thank you so much for taking the time to do so.
    Fear and courage are flip sides of each other, both have their time and place in a situation like yours. Feeling fear is a normal response to what you are going through. Not feeling fear would mean you are bottling yourself up. And self pity is OK too; we'd all feel fear and self-pity, and we all hope that we'd find your your self-confidence and strength. The fear will give way to your indomitable courage when it needs to.
    I hope you are writing down all your medical questions. I have found it helps to keep a dedicated notebook in these situations, and write questions as they occur to me. Then bring the notebook to doctor's appts and perhaps ask Andre to take notes. Maybe you are already doing this. T
    I second Janet's offer to provide food. I don't live near you but can order food to be delivered. I mean it.

  3. Dear Radhika,

    Thank you for sharing with us again. Your words just beg for me to take you in my arms and hold you tight. Your strength will return as you are blessed with the love from your friends and we are all here for you to call on us. Your home here in Redondo is ready and waiting for you and Andre. Let us know how we can help out as you return to Cedars. Let

  4. "Courage is fear holding out for a minute longer."

    My arms are around you.

  5. Sweetie, you don't have to be strong all the time. That's impossible. Rely on us, your family and friends and know that we will hold you and not let you fall.

    Call me if you want to go for a walk or hang out...

  6. Radhika,
    I too was checking throughout the day today and wanted to thank you for putting in words your experience and feelings. You are not going through this alone so count on us. As mentioned, do you need help with meals? Picking up or dropping off Mira? Watching Mira so you and Andre can talk? Don't hesitate to ask any time day or night.
    B and Matty

  7. Well, I too have been anxiously awaiting the next post. Since reading your blog, I have been so sad and concerned. It just seems wrong and unfair. But it has put some of things that have been on my mind into perspective.

    And after reading this last post and the comments, I can barely stop crying. As you can see, people aren't always strong and fearless. But despite what you feel now, you will again surprise yourself by gaining the strength to fight. I know it. It is you. You can't help it. You'd do it with or without us. I just hope that we can help!

    If you need friend up in LA, I am here….keys to my apartment, a place to crash, a place to be, a lunch date, a friend in the waiting room. Just let me know how I can help without intruding.

    Sending you and Andre my love and support,

  8. Dearest Radhika,

    What's wrong with a pity party now and then? The possibilities you are facing ARE awful; it's so unfair and it's horribly frightening. But you aren't isolated, and you aren't alone. If you need to express your anger and fear, and you want someone to listen (or join in), let me know. We can scream at the universe together.

    Please let Andre know that I'm thinking of him. The offer for some universe screaming extends to him also.

    Sending love your way,

  9. Dear Radhika-
    I love this line in your post: "there is inside me something that will support me when I hit that lowest point." Yes, indeedy, and there is also something outside you, this community of supporters, with you in love, thought, and prayer. Kim

  10. RR, thank you for taking the time, energy, and courage to set up this blog and to share your thoughts and fears with your friends. You are definitely not alone. You and Andre and Mira are so dear to me.

    I can only imagine the strength that was required from you during your earlier journey. There is no doubt in my mind that you will get through this unexpected detour with equal determination and grace. Count on us all to provide the safety net when you need it. Let me know what practical things I can do to help. I have lots of flexibility in my time and space this semester.

    I am sending you my most positive wishes...and will be doing so many times each day. Today on this unusually warm January Sunday, my wish is that you and Andre and Mira are enjoying the sunshine and gentle breeze...maybe even some sand between your toes. It's a beautiful day, and you are a beautiful person.

    Janet McD

  11. Dear Radhika and Andre,
    We were very saddened to hear this news. You have been on our minds constantly since I read your first post. I can only imagine the emotions you and Andre must be going through right now. It is unfair. All of you are in our thoughts and will continue to pray for encouraging news in the coming days.

    Anything you need please let us know. You are not alone. We are here for you, thinking of you, and praying for you. If you need to talk or go out for a cup of tea let us know.

    Thank you for sharing what you are going through with all of us. You are a very courages person. Even with all the pain and heartache you're dealing with you find the strength to write and share your thoughts with us so eloquently.

    love and support,

    Krishani and Sajith

  12. Radhika,

    You are so dear to us and what is happening is so unfair. Thank you for sharing you journey with us, and know you have our love and support. Our hearts and minds are with you today as you travel to LA.


  13. Dear Radhika:

    Thank you for courageously documenting your difficult journey and in so doing, serving as a wonderful inspiration to the rest of us. I do hope that the shoulder pain is an early wake up call as the best doctors diagnose and deal with the masses.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Do give your friends a call (my number is 760 735 5119) if you want to talk or want us to come over.

    Take care,

