Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rounds 2 & 3 scheduled

Andre here just to let you all know that rounds 2 & 3 have now been scheduled. Somehow we thought that we would automatically be scheduled to start the rounds on Mondays, but apparently one has to schedule the round each time. Dr. Forscher's nurse Susan took care of this for us:

Round 2, Wednesday March 23- Saturday March 26 MTX; in round 1 she cleared the MTX a day early so there is also a good possibility that she will be able to go home on Friday.

Round 3, Wednesday March 30- Tuesday April 5 IFOS; this one will be new to us, but it appears unlikely that we can go home early that week; we should definitely be home Wednesday night at the latest though.

In some sense the slight delay actually works well for us, because this allows Radhika two extra days to rest (she seems to be coming out of the nausea today, but she is still fatigued) and more time to work on the mental side. It also allows me to drive my mother to the airport on Tuesday. In general my teaching days are Tuesday/Thursday, and a Wednesday start means I am guaranteed to only miss one day of teaching each MTX week.

Please continue to send your good thoughts our way, it really makes a difference to us.


  1. Glad Radhika gets a little break, she must be exhausted mentally and physically; you probably are too. As always, good thoughts your way and let me know if I can help.

  2. Thanks for the updates -- they are very useful! Radhika, I hope to see you soon!


  3. You are very much in our thoughts. Best wishes as the next round unfolds, Kim

  4. Andre, Thank you so much for taking the time to write these detailed and sensitive posts -- on top of taking care of Radhika, Mira, and your students, you are taking care of us too! After checking the blog daily for weeks, I had stopped checking and Marie just told me there were three posts and I have read everything through twice to absorb it. Both you and Radhika are facing this with heroic natures. You are a great companion to Radhika and I am sure she is very supported by having you by her side. I noticed her request for Sunset Magazines, which I get monthly, and will now send over to you via campus mail.
    Love to both of you, Vivienne

  5. I just came across this poem that I posted in my own blog when I was starting chemo. I found it a comfort, and share it here in case Radhika or anyone else might as well. I hope R knows that we are all at her side. Thank you for posting these updates, Andre!

    For surely you did not choose this battle.
    Rather it chose you.
    And standing on the edge of what
    you cannot escape is most tormenting.
    But take one final breath before the plunge.
    And charge forward -
    knowing that you go not alone,
    but in mighty company of all who stand ready to fight at your side.
    And knowing that where your spirit is weakened,
    there you will find untold strength.
    Where your heart is fearful,
    there you will find immeasurable courageousness.
    And where your soul is mired in darkness,
    there you will find the most penetrating light,
    the most powerful beacon showing you the way.

    Mark Peters, Copyright 2005

  6. Andre-
    Thanks again for updating us. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with your courses. Proctor exams, give them a lecture about Biology, tell them that Biology and Math are much more interconnected than they ever thought, etc.

    You and Andre are so bravely going through this. Let me/us know if there is anything we can do.


  7. Hello to you both,
    Andre thank you for sending me the blog, it is very helpful to see step by step what is going on. I am here as you know for anything that I can do to help. My thoughts. prayers and hugs are certainly with you both. I love the photo of you two. You can see the love you have for each other and that is a powerful healing force. Thinking of you both. I can come over anytime that you need me.
    Love to you all,

  8. Thank you for giving us this connection we so need to you and Radhika, Andre--I am focusing on your family in my daily Qigong meditations and sending prayers for comfort and ease as you move through these challenges to body and spirit. With love, Martha
