Friday, January 27, 2012

The end of the journey

Dear friends, at 1:45PM on Friday, January 27 2012, my wife and best friend Radhika Ramamurthi took her last breath. She passed away in the intensive care unit of Cedars Sinai medical center after the struggle against cancer got to be too much for her lungs. Mira, Radhika and I appreciate the support we have received from all of you on this journey. I feel fortunate that her cousin Radhu with husband Venki could be in LA with me when it happened, and they are giving us the support we need in this tough time. As we will need a few days to process what has happened we would appreciate not getting any phone calls in the next few days. If possible I will post additional information on the blog. Andre and Mira


  1. Linda and I send you and Mira and Radhika all our love. We'll miss her more than words can say. You are an amazing man, Andre, and you two have a wonderful daughter through which Radhika will live and love on. God bless you and your families.

    Robert & Linda

  2. My God, Andre, I'm sorry. I will miss her dearly. If there is anything at all that I can do for you and Mira, please let me know.

  3. Oh Andre, I am thinking of you and Mira so much and sending you all my wishes of love and strength. I am grateful for the gift of knowing Radhika and you. I don't even know how to put it into words, and that reminds me how in awe I am of you and Radhika being able to share with all of us your journey via this blog and our visits at your home. We are all with you still, but with very heavy hearts. I will miss Radhika so much and will keep her alive in my memory and in my heart. Love, Janet McD

  4. Anything... Anything at all, Andre. We will be there. My heart will never be the same for having known her. Our deepest sympathies to all of you.

  5. So sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts are with you and Mira at these tough times. Please let us know if we can do anything....will miss Radhika's ever smiling face.
    Punam Ishpal

  6. To Radhika's friends in California -
    I was one of Radhika's roommates in graduate school, and I would like to attend any services planned. I am looking for a place to stay and transportation to and from the airport. I'm an assistant professor at Northern Michigan University, and my email address is . . . .

    1. Thank you for your responses - I'll contact by email

  7. Dear Andre and Mira,
    We are so, so, sorry to hear about Radhika's passing. Our hearts are with you at this time. Over the past months, we were so enriched by our interactions with her and you. We will never forget Radhika's warm heart and fiery spirit. She was incredibly brave and we were so inspired by your family's courageous battle. Radhika's courage was her victory. She will always be with us in our hearts and minds. We will continue to support your family through the coming weeks/months in whatever manner you need us to. Please take care of yourselves. With all our heart, Alberto and Radhika.

  8. Dear Andrea and Mira,

    Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Radhika was so strong and thoughtful and caring and I know she would want you to be the same way. I will never forget how supportive she was to me during my treatment. I will be in touch and know that I am only a phone call or email away. Love, Carol Gidner

  9. Love you all so much Andre. You have all been so strong through this, we will miss Radhika so much.

  10. Dear Andre and Mira:

    I am so very sorry to hear about Radhika's passing. We will miss her enthusiasm and intelligence and warm and loving friendship. She was literally a bright spark of sunshine with her lovely smile and great sense of humor.

    Please let me know if I can help in any way as you manage your way through the next several months. Warmly, Raj

  11. I'm so very sorry to hear this terrible news. My thoughts are with you and your family. Heidi Breuer

  12. Andre, I am so devastated by this news. I know that you and Radhika did everything you could to battle. As I just wrote you, we are here to help you and Mira in any way we can. Radhika was such a beautiful person and we all loved her so much. Alyssa, Steve and Jacob

    1. This is heart breaking news. Radhika brought beauty, humor, and strength to everyone she met. Sending much love to you, Andre and Mira. Kristin, Bob, & Gus

  13. Andre & Mira,
    My heart and prayers go out to you both...I am so so sorry for your loss. Radhika will be deeply missed & always deeply loved. Even though this may not bring you peace at this time I am sure her Spirit will always be with us even as we miss her presence in our lives. Love and Blessings to you both. Ruth

  14. This is such sad and terrible news. Our thoughts are with you. Jay and Kay

  15. Andre and Mira,
    The image I have and keep of Radhika is from Diwali this year where she was so happy and smiling, dancing and beaming. Her spirit, courage, fight, tenacity, and huge smile is a strong hug in and of itself for now and ever after. My heart goes out to the two of you, your family, and Radhika's family. It's a wonderful thing that her spirit will live on in so many people she has touched. In sympathy and with love,

  16. Andre & Mira,

    I would also like to come for services or whatever will happen. Please let us know when.

    Michael & Avani & Neera

  17. Dear Andre and Mira,
    So Very sorry hear about this terrible news. Radhika's tenacity and bravery was an inspiration to all.
    My dear friend, I'll miss you very much.
    If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
    Love Krithika

  18. Andre-
    Please let me know if you and Mira need anything. We are so sorry to hear of this news and want to be able to help you in any way we can. We can't even imagine what you are going through but you are incredibly strong and Mira is an amazing girl. Please reach out if needed.
    Bianca, Matthew, Pablo and Sinqi

  19. We don't know how to say how sad we are... You and Mira will be in our thoughts.
    -- Jeong-Hyun and Hemanshu

  20. Lieber Andre, geschockt von dieser Nachricht, sind wir alle hier in Ruwer und Trier ganz nah bei Dir und Mira. Trost können wir keinen spenden, aber wir werden für euch beten um mit diesen schweren Schicksalsschlag fertig zu werden. Wir werden Sie in bester Erinnerung behalten. Hier in Ruwer brennt eine Kerze für Euch, in der Hoffnung das ihr Licht Euch beide erreichen wird und die Dunkelheit etwas erleuchten kann.
    Im Gedanken oft bei Euch

    Thomas, Carmen und David

  21. Dearest Andre, My thoughts are with you and beautiful Mira. Radhika was truly a very special person. I will miss her goodness and will carry the memory of her graciousness and good humor with me. I hope that all of us at CSUSM can help you in this difficult time.
    Jill (Watts--from History)

  22. Dear, dear Andre,
    I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. I know that Radhika's bright light of love will continue to shine through all that you, Mira, and those whom she touched do.

    1. Dear Radhika: I know you are here watching the outpouring of grief, loss, and sorrow. I grieve for you because you were the most tenacious warrier I have ever known in your will to live, your capacity to keep fighting despite the pain, your determination to keep going, and how you let your love for Mira and Andre give you strength. You deserve to have won the battles and the war.
      Dear Andre, I am heartbroken and still shocked at the turn of events. Your love for Radhika, depth of caring, organic understanding of what it means to give with graciousness is an inspiration. I hope you know that rarely has anyone been cared for with the depth of lovingkindness that you provided to Radhika. I know though that your loss is commensurate to your love for her. My heart breaks for you and I am here to continue giving support in any way that is helpful.
      Dear Mira, you are the daughter of two remarkable people. Your mother loves you with a fierce passion and devotion. Her love for you carried her through the past year. She was up against an enemy that was fiercer than she was. Many of her friends got to know you better this past year and have seen how you have the beauty inside and out of your parents. Many people love you.

    2. We're all mostly wordless now in our shock and grief, so I just wanted to echo Vivienne and thank her for saying so beautifully what we are all thinking. Andre and Mira, we're all waiting to give whatever help we can when you are ready. Love, Alyssa

  23. Dr. Kundgen,
    How my heart aches with this news. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Mira. If there is anything you need, please let me know.

    Sincerest condolences,
    Sharon Matsuoka

  24. Andre and Mira,
    My heart and my life will never be the same for having known Radhika. I will miss her so much… her loving smile, enthusiasm, and intelligence… I learned so much from her…Sorry, but I am heartbroken, distraught, and speechless...My prayers, thoughts, and my heart are with you and your family.
    Andre, I’m here to help you and Mira in any way.
    Love, Sonia Perez

  25. Dear Andre and Mira,
    My heartfelt and sorrowful prayers are with you both. Radhika's spirit, smile, intelligence and warmth touched me more than I can say. Take good care of each other and know that our hearts are with you.
    Shana Bass

  26. Dear Andre,

    Though we have not met in a long time, Radhika's smile is so fresh in our memories.We are praying God to give you and Mira the strength to continue on with evergreen memories of Radhika.

    We are here to help you in anyway we can.

    Sriram and Niru
    (who used to live in Irvine)

  27. Radhika, my friend, you are deeply missed.

    With much love and support to Andre and Mira.


  28. Dear Andre and Mira,
    I am in shock and saddened by the passing of Radhika. She is and will always be the light that brightens any room. Her energy is contagious and her smile will never be forgotten. She helped me to understand the balance between working hard and being able recognize the beauty in life.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

  29. My deepest condelences.


  30. I am so sorry and wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my deepest thoughts.


  31. Dear Andre,
    Kent and I just returned to LA this morning. Reading the blog left us in a state of disbelief. I am struggling with the memories of our last emotional encounter just before Christmas but I still feel her in my arms. I feel her presence so very much and I am blessed to have been given the gift of knowing and loving Radhika, and in getting to know you and Mira during this past year. We send our love and prayers to both of you. Please reach out at any time and ask us for help. Love, Leticia and Kent

  32. Dear Andre,

    We echo all the above sentiments and offer our deepest condolences. We wish you and Mira strength during this difficult time and hope you will remember the joyous years you shared with Radhika. Please count on our unwavering support. We send you many positive thoughts and hugs, Stella and José Clark

  33. Who could dream into being someone as special as Radhika? She shall live on, in our thoughts, dreams and actions. With much love, Kim

  34. Andre, my dear friend: I am so shocked and disraughted
    by this terrible news. Radhika was such a remarkable
    woman. She had touched every person she met in her life.
    I will forever miss her. May her beautiful soul rest in peace.

    -- Your friend Tao.

  35. Andre, Please feel this big virtual hug to you. I heard yesterday and am realizing I was in deep denial about the possible loss of Radhika. Her smile in my memory will never fade. I will come on the 17th for sure but if you need anything before then, don't hesitate to reach out.

  36. Hi andre,
    I still remember Radikka akkas smile when she came to Madras for Ramu thatha's 80th birthday last year..
    It's sad that Radhika akka succumbed to the illness. I have memories from our last year meet in Madras when Mira,akka&I had fun.I pray to lord for the soul
    --yours Anierutan
